
because we can.

Search Engine Optimization
Let us rank you higher

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Your digital billboard

Custom Software Solutions
To make business more efficient



local seo experts

SEO Vancouver by CANSOFT: The best Agency to take you to the top

When you are looking for SEO Vancouver services, trust the top ranking websites to take you to the top. At Cansoft we are proud to be one of the most reputable and top valued tech companies. We have spent years creating an SEO solution that not only gets your website ranking but also converts.  Search Engine Optimization should be a top priority within your company’s marketing strategy. As a digital marketing company, we work with you to scale your marketing budget so that SEO can be a part of your strategy.

SEO in Vancouver

As a company, we have 12 years of experience in the optimization industry and have a full understanding of the needs of our clients and how to serve them better. You must have found our page while searching for an SEO company in Vancouver, you might have typed: “SEO Vancouver” or “SEO company Vancouver” on the Google search bar. You’ve also used Google while searching for an SEO consultant in Vancouver.

seo vancouver

The Agency that promises growth

When looking for a SEO agency, you were able to easily search and find us. Among hundreds of thousands of other SEO pages on the internet, we were able to rank higher than other any other SEO agency.

At Cansoft we have a simple principle that entails that we give sufficient explanation to our clients about our techniques before starting the project. As a business owner you have to know what goes into ranking a website. We work together with our clients to ensure content is top notch and your site is converting as it starts to rank. Google changes all the time. As an SEO agency we have to adapt to these changes and are constantly learning new ways and adopting better techniques that will guarantee long term ranking for our clients.

seo company vancouver
vancouver SEO


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At Cansoft, SEO company in Vancouver our main goal is to build long term relationships with our clients. We are proud to guarantee our results.

  1. Current State! We start by doing a free SEO audit with you so that you understand the current state of your website and your ranking.
  2. Keywords! We work together to choose the most convertible keywords for your business and organize based on priority and conversion.
  3. Project Management! A lot happens within the first month of SEO so you have a dedicated project manager to keep you in the loop and keep things on track. You can reach out at ANY time with questions (don’t be shy, we like to talk J)
  4. Content, Content, Content! It can seem overwhelming to submit content and let’s face it we aren’t all gifted writers. Your project manager works with you on all content and hey if you don’t want to write it, we’ll provide you with one of our in-house writers for free for one-page, monthly blogs and press releases.
  5. Now We’re Ranking! Once all on-page work is done. You will see movement within a few weeks. Your project manager will reach out to update you on movement at all times and we definitely celebrate in the office once you reach the top of Google! We are proud to have reached the first page within 2 weeks with a client that wasn’t ranking within 100 spots on Google.
  6. Now We’re Friends! From the day we start, we like to meet monthly with you (this does not cost extra). This is a time for us to go over conversion, results, any changes in your business and make recommendations on overall marketing strategy.


We focus on both on-page and off-page improvement in the quality of your website to ensure we deliver our promise of ‘Guaranteed results‘. Our focus as an SEO agency in Vancouver remains to provide you with a first page ranking, increase the number of visitors and to make sure your website is converting. As it is already shown by the numbers, an increase in visitors to your website generally leads to an increase in sales as well as an overall improvement in the growth of your business.

SEO Vancouver

To improve your ranking, we work on your website as well as on your ‘Google My Business’ listing. A clear call to action on your website helps with conversion so we will make sure that is added if your current site doesn’t have on. Good content is a must with any website for SEO and for conversion. We make sure your website is talking directly to your visitors.

At Cansoft we ensure that your website is user friendly and easy for your clients or customers to get in touch with you. Website speed is also very important.  We also make sure your website loads quickly with top-notch quality as required by Google. All websites need to be optimized for mobile devices.

Cansoft remains a trusted tech company that serves as a great marketing agency for your business. You can fill out our online form for a free ‘SEO Audit’. Or you can contact us directly at +1(778)251-6525.

SEO Vancouver by Cansoft: Expert Agency for Consultation and Search Engine Optimization Services

When you are looking for SEO services in Vancouver you are most likely heading to Google. You may search “SEO services in Vancouver” or “Vancouver SEO”? If you’re searching for a specialist to hire we would recommend you search for “Vancouver SEO” or “SEO Services Vancouver“, then check out who appears in the top search results. Google changes their algorithm every day and this changes the pattern of the search pages as well. Ensure you check to make sure your current SEO company is actually ranking on the first page of Google. If they aren’t ranking, chances are they can’t rank you! You can also check out their reviews and ratings.


  1. Focusing your industry (setting priority services)
  2. Choosing the target audience for services that will guarantee conversion.
  3. Using the right keywords and key phrases for your SEO content that correctly suits your industry and ranking pages.
  4. Regularly write and update top quality content.
  5. Adding referral links to your website and creating relevancy.
  6. Easily refer and get referrals to your web pages.

What is SEO?

With our experience and current status as a top SEO company in Vancouver we’ll simply define SEO as the means of properly communicating effectively with search engines.

Our SEO experts in Vancouver carry out this process organically or through a process often referred to as earned. Search Engine Optimization is done so that your website can gain better online visibility within search engines, gaining more traffic.

As a local company, all of our services are in-house. Our goal is to be able to get the web pages of our clients to the first three spots on Google where users can easily click on your web pages to see services or make a purchase. We offer everyone a free consultation where you will learn your current status and know where to go from there!



Design and appearance of a website is great and plays a big role in conversion. Although having an attractive website with exciting features isn’t enough to rank. What’s the point in having a nice website if no one can find it? We’ll go over design with you and make sure you get a nice website that fits with your SEO budget.

*Design tip: Make sure your website platform is in WordPress. Stay away from template based easy to build platforms such as Wix and GoDaddy.


Social Media is a form of awareness marketing. SEO is directive, meaning your clients know what they want and are looking for it. If your budget is tight, put your marketing dollars into SEO first as conversion is much higher. We typically say 60% Directive Marketing, 40% awareness.


If you are will a current SEO provider and you are frustrated because you aren’t seeing any improvements in your ranking, ask them questions, hold them accountable!

Ferrari without an engine?

Having an attractive website without a quality SEO is like buying a pretty Ferrari without an engine. Although the car pretty in terms of look and appearance it is quite useless because you can’t drive it and hence it will remain parked in the garage. Similarly, having a nice looking site without functional services would not rank higher. You might have spent a lot in designing an attractive website but without a good optimization, your webpage will not be found on SERP. And it is important that you’re found first on Google when someone searches “SEO Company Vancouver” or “SEO Vancouver” on the SERP page.SEO

What you should not do for SEO:

  • Selecting the wrong keywords for the web data map.
  • Using webpages not related to the keywords.
  • Publishing duplicate content.
  • Making use of keywords stuffing on your site.
  • Not adding title tags and meta description.
  • Not using analytics to measure the impact of SEO, social media service.
  • Not including website security in your SEO, PPC service.
  • When the SEO strategy and the Social Media Marketing are not done well.
  • Doing as many backlinks possible without balance or quality.
  • Not using the page dominance on the web.

Some misinformation about SEO, PPC include:

  • Websites would be submitted to search engines to increase their rankings.
  • Effective keyword stuffing.
  • Meta tags are an important factor in ranking.
  • Adding more links will ensure a higher ranking.

There are a lot of mistakes that may affect a website ranking. As business owner operating in Vancouver you should know other SEO agencies or companies that don’t have much experience and hence understand that hiring them to work on the optimization of your website would not yield good results.

The Science and Art of SEO

A team of hardworking and dedicated email marketing consultants would be needed to get the desired result. Cansoft technologies, a local SEO Vancouver expert in Vancouver, is made up of 2 highly trained teams and is supervised by the CEO – Kazi Mamun. The teams are well trained in programming, design, development, and market research. Hasan Sumon, the CTO, is in charge of the professional programmers that make up the Development team.

seo company

These two teams guarantee that effective and professional collaboration are put into the optimization of your website and help to work out a good web design. A good web design ensures a good SEO solution. As a digital marketing company as well, we carry out website audits with a focus on return on investment. Our great working tools help to provide lead generation and search marketing that helps to ensure better results with leads and help you achieve your goal by improving the traffic. We have also helped large and small businesses get to the top of SERP through our efficient SEO services. We will provide little details as regards the secrets of our strategy, for instance how we prioritize both off-page and on-page optimization.

On-Page SEO

The on-page SEO has also changed after the Penguin Algorithm. There is a push for better and higher quality content that changes more frequently and are easily readable. There is also a need to organize your data map such that your business is easily understood.

We also put into consideration how fresh your page is and generate content to improve its freshness. Google prioritizes recent content so it’s not enough to just optimize your web page just once with SEO.

A newspaper article provides the best example of how something can be written with a specific audience as the target. It’s also important that you think from the user’s perspective so that you can give your customers a memorable experience. The contents would need to be organized as follows:

  • A proper business introduction
  • A list of the services or products offered

A detailed explanation of the benefits of using your products or service to the customer.

Off-page SEO

Google ranks a site better when it has high quality content as well as a good online presence. Off-page SEO works by improving the reputation of your site and achieves this through social media, listing your business, social signals, etc. A good offline reputation will help your website get a higher value.

SEO Marketing

For instance, when you get to visit a different place with no internet connection, you’d have to ask around for recommendations for the best restaurants, hotels, shops. You’ll only get recommendations and get directed to the best places they know. This also applies to your website online. Google Maps or GMB are included in our off-page SEO for search engine rankings.​

Why you need us

Cansoft is not only the best SEO agency in Vancouver, it is also a digital marketing agency. We have used our unique method to help businesses get to the top of SERP. We have mastered SEO techniques and strategy and our team of professional consultants are dedicated to remaining at the top of SERP trends as well as stay up-to-date with the algorithm changes.

We provide a free audit to help you understand your website. Through due diligence, we can help small and large businesses scale better, make more traffic and get better ranking results. At Cansoft, we focus on your webpage ranking and boast of a success rate of over 90% ranking in SERP pages for our different websites, through the help of our SEO specialists.

Focus areas for Search Engine Optimization

Our team of expert SEO specialist in Cansoft boast of a 90% success rate in ranking of different sites and will help your business rank higher in the SERP.

It is important to take into account these five key areas of SEO:

  • SEO friendly web development
  • On-page & off-page SEO
  • Focus keywords research
  • We also focus on building strong links
  • Our agency carries out key analytics analysis
  • We also ensure website security for our SEO

Our marketing company focuses on learning new research techniques. We also grant SEO optimization services that are sure to provide our customers with positive results.​

The Best SEO Techniques

We also provide digital marketing services as an SEO provider in Vancouver, helping our clients reach the top of SERP. Our SEO optimization isn’t focused on designing an attractive site (it also helps as regards the rate of conversion) we also help to improve conversion. We all want to know “how to get to the top of Google” and yet get a variety of answers. But you’ll need to check out the site of the company that is offering the SEO services to see how they rank on the Google pages and this will help inform your decision while selecting a SEO company that can help your business rank better online.

We make use of the best SEO techniques that are very effective in increasing site ranking. The following are used by top SEO in Vancouver:

Local SEO

  • Mobile-friendly and responsive website
  • Use of advanced search tools like: Google Analytics Feedly, Google Keyword tool, Pagespeed, Search console, and SEM RUSH etc.
  • Modern Link building techniques using natural link building (purchasing backlinks for optimization wouldn’t help you rank better).
  • A local citation that will help your business to be easily found online.
  • We also provide Map citation for SEO to create localization
  • Geo-tagging that will show your geo-location
  • Regular blog updates to help maintain a fresh webpage
  • Press release to gain media authority.

Time to Invest in SEO in Vancouver, BC

Due to the current decrease in the popularity of “word of mouth” as a marketing strategy for businesses, SEO is now the cheapest and best means to promote your business, as people would go through Google to find you. As a major SEO company in Vancouver, we see local SEO as a major component to boost your digital strategy. Although you may not currently have it as a content optimization or content marketing plan, yet it should be considered as a service plan. It is the best investment for your money. Cansoft will help your website become more visible to new customers or persons searching for your services or products.

Let’s Dominate the Market in Vancouver

How did you get to meet us? You found us while searching “Vancouver SEO” or “SEO Vancouver“. While searching for an SEO in Vancouver, we are the best company to help you. Our team of well-trained professionals will assist you in optimizing your site. We will assist in developing an effective online marketing strategy to help push your business to the top in both local and global ranking.

Business owners will love to be in the first three spots in terms of search. Cansoft will help you get there through a wonderful optimization process. You can contact us today to help you get to the top 3 spots in the ranking.

How do we SEO?

SEO Vancouver isn’t so difficult. As long as you have an extra 40 hours in a week to properly organize your keywords, carry out Pagespeed and keep track of algorithm updates then you can as well do other things to help keep up the pace. Or you can choose to hire a website design agency such as Cansoft to help you take care of 100% of the jobs.

search engine optmization

Digital marketing components in Vancouver

Cansoft considers the following as important components of digital marketing:

  • First of all, we carry out “Awareness Marketing”- using your social media marketing (SMM) tools we can promote your website. Sometimes, the customers are not interested in buying, but they may become influenced when they see your product or service on social media. (this is successful when done correctly).
  • Secondly, “Directive Marketing”- involves marketing your products and services to your customers searching for you in Vancouver, BC, and are ready to buy. Using search engine marketing (SEM) will help you achieve this.

The reward for SEO with Cansoft in Vancouver, BC

SEO remains one of the best ways to get targeted traffic to your online presence in Vancouver. Statistics show that about 97% of people would remain on the first page when making a direct purchase or deciding on using a service. Using Cansoft for your SEO optimization you’ll be able to reach about 97% of the visitors on your site. Cansoft is serving as a reputable digital marketing company not only in Vancouver but also in Maple Ridge, Burnaby, Victoria, Vancouver, Surrey, and other cities. Cansoft helps small businesses in Vancouver get better visibility. We assist small and large businesses to rank higher. The success of a SEO company in Vancouver is determined by the SERP pages. Although this is not a cost-effective method, you may use the PPC (pay per click) to get to the SERP. We always prioritize SEO for our clients since it is most effective. Contact us today for a free assessment.