
Creating a Relationship With Your Demographic

A lot of people think of social media marketing as just a smaller version of their company website and in a lot of ways they are right, however, social media is also a way to connect with your customers and increase your brand awareness. Digital marketing helps your demographic keep in touch, whether it be by sending a message or viewing a post, the more you maintain their awareness the more likely they are to think of you next time they are in need of services like yours. Here at Cansoft Technology, we are more then glad to help you create that relationship.

Knowing What To Post 

The first thing you have to think of when it comes to Social Media Marketing is who your audience is. Your first choice may be to appeal to as many people as possible and to keep your platform generic, but by doing so it’s possible you may alienate your actual demographic. Think about who your audience is their age group, what they like to do in their free time, what social media applications they use most, their jobs, and other important factors that will assist you in catering to them. 

Knowing When To Post

You may assume that posting any time during the day within a reasonable time frame is good enough, but when it comes to a lot of Social Media applications, it’s most likely that most won’t see it after the first few hours of posting due to application’s algorithms. So you need to consider when your demographic is most active on social media. If you are aiming your posts at parents, you may assume they won’t check social media until after they are off work or after they pick up their children from school, whereas, if you were focusing on teenagers they may check their social media during their free time at school or on the weekend more often.

Knowing How To Post

Once you know your demographic, you’re going to think about what specifically to post, considering what is trending. When you think of the term “trending” you may think about a cat video or a silly photo and you would be partially correct. In order to know what is trending, you’ll want to start exploring social media yourself and figure out what is popular and how it can help increase brand awareness. For instance, if your company sells solar panels, you could stay active on environmentally-conscious pages and post about new developments in that area. Or if you are part of an accountant agency, you could research money-saving tips and changes in money-related issues in the government. Whatever your brand is, remember to stay aware of your competition, your demographic, and your vision for your brands’ online presence.SMM