Why Remove a Link From Google?
It’s no secret that bad news travels fast, and people soak it up. If you take a look at every news channel, you will see a negative news article, one after the other. Although this can be entertaining from a viewing standpoint, lots of the articles you read are new. Many of these articles have not been through courts or recognized authority, however. Meaning, they aren’t necessarily guilty. What happens if this happens to you? Suddenly, when you google your name, all that comes up are negative things, whatever they are. What do you do? Probably try to take them down.
How To Remove News From Google
The question of ‘how do you remove news from Google’ is a hard one to answer. We can help, though; however, our method is complicated. We will break it down for you in this article. The first thing you should know is that there are two ways to remove content, and the first is much easier than the second. First, you can altogether remove the unwanted Google search result, or you can suppress the undesirable Google search result.
Removing Unwanted Pages
There are two instances in which you can remove pages from google. Firstly, removal can happen if you own or control the page. Google’s remove URLs tool can easily be used to remove a URL that you own. If your website uses WordPress, Yoast SEO can be used to remove a page. However, if you do not own the page, there are only two things you can do. Firstly, you can contact the owner and ask them directly, but politely, to remove the page. If they agree, then great! Problem solved. However, assuming they don’t agree, you can try to contact Google. Google will remove a page if it is fraudulent or includes personal or sensitive information. However, the page will still exist; it just won’t show up on Google search results.
Reverse SEO and Suppression
If the above methods don’t, or won’t work for you, the next step is suppression or, reverse SEO. SEO, is Search Engine Optimization, or the process of getting something to appear first or at the top of a Google search. Reverse SEO, on the other hand, is making something not appear in a Google search, or appear on the 4th or 5th page. Reverse SEO is commonly used in the online reputation management (ORM) industry. The purpose of reverse SEO is to mitigate the impact harmful content has on you and your brand. Most of the time, our online reputation management services are not only useful in ridding the bad news but will increase your online branding by publishing positive articles.
Hardships on Online Reputation Management
Reverse SEO is no easy feat, and takes multiple weeks to complete, as lots goes into it. The most important thing is to put out new, good quality articles. If you haven’t already, SEO articles, you’ve already posted on the web. Also, keeping active on all primary forms of social media will help your cause. It is also useful to get other quality websites to backlink to you. However, the reverse SEO world is a callous one to navigate, and the best thing you can do for your image is to hire an online reputation management company, like Cansoft Technologies.
Author: Jessica Tresek, Creative Content Coordinator