
Learn about referral traffic, optimized sharing, earning a better reputation and how Internet users trust social signals

Your website gives you the platform to interact with potential customers before transacting with them using social media signals. It can make or break your online presence. Making the website user-friendly and straightforward should, therefore, be a priority. Availing all your online resources on your website for visitors can be a challenge. But linking it to all your social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus pages make it a lot simpler. It also increases your chances of getting more social signals. With more likes, pins or retweets you are sure to reach a bigger audience and multiply your potential clients. Below are four important reasons to have social signals for your website.

Search Engine

Increased referral traffic to your site using social media

Generating more traffic is everything when it comes to online marketing. To get more people visiting your page, a high number of social signals plays a major role. The more social signals you have the higher the chances of people wanting to visit your site. Not everyone in need of your products or services knows your website.

Some get to know your site through a tweet or a positive review on Facebook. More social signals inspire confidence and trust in first-time visitors increasing your website traffic. Make sharing your URL easier and quick. Avoid the need for your users to copy and paste your URL. It can be boring and time-consuming to some visitors even if you have the best content hence losing potential clients. To competitors with more user-friendly websites. a high traffic flow to your website gets you noticed by search engines improving your ranking.

Social media activity gives you optimized sharing

Including social signals on your website makes it easy to share your content anywhere including to mobile phones. With the ever-improving technology, more people now use phones to access the internet without the need to look for computers. They also conveniently make orders and purchase items regardless of where they are. Maximum sharing of your content will increase your chances of getting rewarded by search engines, improving your ranking. Appearing on the first pages of search engines makes you more noticeable and preferred as not many people will keep going through pages when searching.

Social Media

Better reputation with social media signals through social media

Displaying the social share count of your content encourages other visitors to also share your content. The high number of social media signals sparks more interest in your content hence inspiring the visitors to share with friends and family on other platforms. People also tend to trust you more as they believe if it was untrustworthy then the sharing could not be that high. The impressive social signals also discourage people from shopping further for competitor websites. All these are play a significant role in increasing your potential client base and improving your search engine ranking which in return makes your website more accessible to a larger audience.

Internet users trust social signals from social media

The internet has become a second home to most users and every information online is taken with seriousness. However, most people are likely to trust a website recommended by a friend in their social circle than a search engine. This is a very effective tool that turns prospects into paying clientele. A personal recommendation appears genuine.